
Top 20 SEO mistakes 2023

 Here are the top 20 SEO mistakes:

1. Not having a responsive website design. Google favors mobile-friendly sites.2. Thin content. Not having enough useful and relevant content on your pages.3. Keyword cannibalization. Having multiple pages targeting the same keyword.4. Bad page load speed. Slow loading websites reduce user experience and search rankings.5. Broken backlinks. Having links pointing to pages that no longer exist.6. Duplicate content. Having the same content repeated on multiple pages.7. Irrelevant keywords in page titles and metas. Keywords in page titles/metas should match page content.8. Over-optimization. Stuffing too many keywords into your page content and metas. Looks unnatural.9. Poor internal linking structure. Important pages should have more internal links pointing to them. 10. Competing for same keywords across all pages. Focus different pages on different target keywords. 11. Image alt attributes missing. Alt text helps search engines understand the image content and key themes.12. No XML sitemap. An XML sitemap helps search engines discover all your pages.13. Schema markup errors. Errors in schema markup can confuse or mislead search engines.14. No content optimization for featured snippets. Optimize content to rank in featured snippets at top of Google. 15. Poor social media presence. Strong social media profiles and shares help with search rankings and traffic. 16. Not tracking keyword rankings. You can't improve what you don't measure. Track key keyword rankings.17. No reviews and testimonials. Customer reviews and testimonials build trust and authority.  18. Not blogging. Blogging helps you generate fresh content, rank for more keywords and drive traffic.19. No page redirects. Set up proper redirects (301s and 302s) when pages are moved or deleted. 20. Not optimizing for voice search. Optimize for voice queries with conversational content structure and language.  




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