
Update or Rollback the WSL Kernel on Windows 11

 Update or Rollback the WSL Kernel on Windows 11

Here are the steps to update or rollback the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) kernel on Windows 11:

  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator. You can search for PowerShell from the Start menu and right click to "Run as Administrator."

  2. Check your current WSL kernel version:Chuwi herobook pro

wsl -l -v

This will list all your WSL distributions and their kernel versions.

  1. To update the kernel:
wsl --update

This will update the WSL kernel to the latest available version for your Windows build.

  1. To rollback the kernel:
    You'll need the UUID of your WSL distribution. Run:
wsl -l 

This will show your distributions and their UUIDs.

Then run:

wsl --list --online

This will show you available kernel versions for that distribution. Find the kernel version you want to rollback to and note its ID.

Then run:

wsl --set-version <distribution name> <kernel ID>

For example:

wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 LKS-1623278887

This will rollback your Ubuntu distribution to the specified kernel version.

  1. Restart your WSL distribution for the changes to take effect:
wsl --shutdown

Then start it up again.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.




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