How to Build a CRUD React Application With Supabase Cloud Storage
Here are the steps to build a basic CRUD React app with Supabase cloud storage:
Create a Supabase account and project. Go to and sign up for a free account. Create a new project.
Create database tables. In the Supabase console, go to Database -> Tables and create the necessary tables for your app. For example:
- products (id, name, price, image_url)
- Generate a Supabase client. Supabase has client libraries for popular frameworks. From the Quickstart tab, generate a React client:
- Initialize the Supabase client. Import the generated Supabase client and initialize it with your Supabase URL and API key:
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js"
const supabase = createClient(
- Create React components for CRUD operations:
- List - Fetch all products from the database and display them
- Create - Form to create a new product and insert it into the database
- Update - Form to update an existing product
- Delete - Button to delete a product from the database
- Make Supabase requests:Chuwi
Fetch data: supabase.from('products').select()
Insert data: supabase.from('products').insert({name: '...', price: ...})
Update data: supabase.from('products').update({price: ...}).match({id: '123'})
Delete data: supabase.from('products').delete().match({id: '123'})
- Handle Supabase response data in your components.
That covers the basics! Let me know if you have any other questions about building a CRUD React app with Supabase.