
How to Update or Rollback the WSL Kernel on Windows 11

 How to Update or Rollback the WSL Kernel on Windows 11

Here are the steps to update or rollback the WSL kernel on Windows 11:Chuwi hipad max

  1. Open Powershell as administrator. Type "powershell" in the search bar and right click on Powershell and select "Run as administrator".

  2. Check your current WSL kernel version. Type the following command:

wsl -l -v

This will list all your WSL distributions and the kernel versions associated with them.

  1. Download the new kernel from the Microsoft Store. Search for "WSL" in the Store and install the Windows Subsystem Linux Kernel Update.

  2. Update the kernel on your WSL distribution. Type:

wsl --update <distribution name>

Replace <distribution name> with the name of your WSL distro. This will update the kernel for that specific WSL distribution.

  1. To rollback the kernel to a previous version, open Powershell as administrator again and type:
wsl --unregister <distribution name>

This will uninstall your WSL distribution.

  1. Reinstall the WSL distribution from the Microsoft Store. This will reinstall it with the older kernel version.

  2. To check that it rolled back correctly, run wsl -l -v again and verify the kernel version for your distribution matches the older version.

So in summary, you can update or downgrade the kernel for a specific WSL distribution using the wsl --update and wsl --unregister commands in PowerShell. Just be sure to run PowerShell as administrator.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.




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