
How-to-lower-gpu-temperature 2023


Here are some methods you can use to lower the temperature of your GPU:Chuwi ubook x pro

  1. Clean out dust: Use compressed air to clean dust out of your GPU heatsink fins and fan blades. Dust buildup impedes airflow and cooling.

  2. Repaste the GPU chip: Replace the thermal paste between your GPU chip and heatsink. Over time, thermal paste dries out and loses effectiveness. New paste can drop GPU temperatures by 5-10 degrees Celsius.

  3. Improve case airflow: Add additional case fans to provide more cool air intake and hot air exhaust. Make sure your GPU receives ample airflow.

  4. Undervolt the GPU: Using software like MSI Afterburner, undervolting your GPU can decrease power consumption and heat output while maintaining the same performance.

  5. Limit GPU clock speed: You can place a limit on your GPU's clock speed to decrease heat, though this will also reduce performance slightly.

  6. Raise the fan curve: In software, adjust your GPU fan curve to make the fans spin faster at lower temperatures. This will cool the GPU more aggressively.

  7. Add case fans directly to the GPU: Some high-end GPUs have fan headers that you can connect case fans to for direct airflow over the heatsink and cooler.

  8. Install a new cooler: For extreme cases, you can install an aftermarket GPU cooler like Accelero or Arctic to replace the stock cooler and lower temperatures significantly.

Hopefully these tips help you optimize your GPU cooling and lower temperatures! Undervolting, improving case airflow, cleaning dust buildup and replacing the thermal paste are some of the easiest and most effective methods.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I'd be happy to provide any other advice or recommendations for cooling your specific GPU.




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