
How to Avoid Cookie Theft Attacks 2023


How to Avoid Cookie Theft Attacks

In order to protect yourself from cookie theft attacks, you need to take the right security measures:

  • Secure network connections: Do not use public Wi-Fi networks unless you have encryption and an internet connection you can trust.
  • Always use HTTPS: Make sure every website you visit uses HTTPS which uses encryption to make it harder for hackers to intercept cookies.
  • Regularly clear your cookies: Clearing cookies can help to protect sensitive information saved in them.
  • Update software: To benefit from the most recent security fixes, keep your security software and browser up to date.
  • Beware of suspicious websites: Exercise caution when visiting unknown or suspicious websites because they can be used to steal your cookies.
internet cookies warning this website uses cookies
During a cookie theft attack, the attacker intercepts cookies sent between a user’s browser and a website.


Fake WAP

The creation of a malicious wireless network that impersonates a legitimate network is the goal of fake WAP (Wireless Access Point) attacks, which are also known as Evil Twin attacks. Hackers employ this deceptive technique to intercept and modify network traffic.

How Do Fake WAP Attacks Work?

During this attack, the attacker creates a rogue wireless access point with a name that looks identical to that of the real network. This tricks unsuspecting users into connecting to their malicious network rather than the legitimate one.

Examples of Fake WAP

  • Café Wi-Fi: An attacker in a café creates a rogue wireless network with a name like “FreeCafeWiFi” in order to fool customers into connecting to it rather than the café’s actual network.
  • Airport networks: Hackers set up bogus Wi-Fi networks in airports that impersonate official networks such as “AirportPublicWiFi.”
  • Hotel networks: In order to exploit guests, attackers may set up false networks with names similar to the hotel’s official Wi-Fi.

How to Avoid Fake WAP Attacks

You can protect yourself from these attacks by taking the following precautions:

  • Verify network names: Check with the legitimate internet provider to confirm the precise name of the wireless network.
  • Use trusted networks: Connect only to well-known and reputable networks, like those offered by respected businesses you know.
  • Enable network security: Always make sure that your connection uses  WPA2 or WPA3 encryption.
  • Avoid auto-connect: Disable the feature on your device that automatically connects to wifi hotspots. This is to avoid it from automatically connecting to untrusted or dangerous networks.
  • Use VPN: Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet trafficand enhance your security.


Clickjacking attacks, often known as UI (User Interface) redressing attacks, deceive users into clicking on something other than the intended target.

How Do ClickJacking Attacks Work?

This deceptive approach involves placing a transparent but malicious element on top of legit content. A Clickjacking attack attempts to trick users into taking actions they are not aware of, such as clicking on hidden buttons, submitting forms, or granting rights.

Examples of ClickJacking

Likejacking on Social Media: In this case, a clickjacking attack hides a legitimate “Like” button on a website by overlaying it with an undetectable malicious element. Users accidentally “Like” the attacker’s content instead of clicking the real button.

Phishing Attacks: Clickjacking is a technique for creating convincing phishing pages that overlay actual login fields. Users enter their credentials unintentionally into the bogus form, exposing their login details to attackers.

How to Avoid ClickJacking Attacks

You can protect yourself from Clickjacking by doing the following:

  • Keep software updated: Update your operating system, programs, and web browser on a regular basis to ensure they have the most recent security fixes.
  • Enable security features: When available, enable clickjacking protection features such as X-Frame-Options or Content Security Policy (CSP) headers.
  • Be cautious of unknown websites: Never visit questionable or untrustworthy websites that may contain dangerous clickjacking traps.
  • Verify website certificates: When entering sensitive information on websites, always confirm the availability of HTTPS and authentic security certifications.
  • Use browser extensions: Use browser extensions to give extra protection against clickjacking attacks.

Waterhole Attack

Waterhole attacks are a kind of hacking method where attackers compromise websites or online resources used by a specific group of people.

How Do Waterhole Attacks Work?

The attackers discover websites that their intended victims frequently visit and insert malicious code or malware into them. When victims visit these compromised websites, their devices become infected with malware. This allows the attackers to obtain illegal access to sensitive information or control over their systems.

Examples of Waterhole Attacks

Government Agency Targeting: Hackers may breach a website regularly visited by employees of a certain government agency in a waterhole attack. The attackers can acquire access to the agency’s network and sensitive data by infecting the site with malware.

Corporate Espionage: A competitor can penetrate and infect a popular business forum or conference website with malware. When employees from the targeted firms visit the site, their devices become infected, allowing the competitor to steal sensitive corporate data.

How to Avoid Waterhole Attacks

Protect yourself from waterhole attacks by doing the following:

  • Keep software updated: Update your OS, web browser, and programs on a regular basis to ensure they have the most recent security updates.
  • Use security software: Install and keep trusted, up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software on your devices.
  • Exercise caution: Be careful especially when visiting websites that are frequently accessed by a particular group that could be targeted.
  • Monitor website reputation: Before visiting potentially dangerous websites, check their reputation and reviews.
  • Use virtual private networks (VPNs): By encrypting your internet data and hiding your true IP address, a VPN can give an extra layer of security.

15 Common Types of Hacking: Examples of Each and How to Avoid Them FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

What is the most common type of hacking?

Phishing is one of the most common types of hacking.

How can I protect myself from a DDoS attack?

Use a content delivery network (CDN), firewall, and regularly monitoring your network traffic for unusual activity.

What is the difference between a brute-force attack and a dictionary attack?

A brute-force attack involves trying every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found, while a dictionary attack involves using a pre-computed list of commonly used passwords or words from a dictionary to guess the password.gpu temperature

Can physical security measures prevent hacking?

Yes, physical security measures such as locks, security cameras, and biometric authentication can help prevent hacking como apagar la computadora con el teclado

What should I do if I suspect that my computer or network has been hacked?

You should immediately disconnect from the internet, change your passwords, and contact a cybersecurity professional for assistance in identifying and remedying the attack.




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