

 Write for Skimming

Google users don’t usually sit down and read every word on your page.

In fact, one study found that 84% of people skim the articles that they come across.

Which is why it’s important that your content is optimized for people that skim.

In practice, this means:

Use lots of section subheadings

Include lots of checklists and bulleted sections

Use short sentences and short paragraphs

Don’t refer to content above where the user is (“as discussed earlier…”)

Include generous amounts of visuals and embedded videos

For example, take a quick look at this screenshot from one of our posts.

Be Unique

There are already hundreds (if not thousands) of results for most high-volume keywords.

Which is why it’s important for your content to stand out in some way.

That doesn’t mean that you should reinvent the wheel. In fact, you want to generally stick to what’s already working (and improve upon it).

But that doesn’t mean that you can simply regurgitate the top 10 results and expect to hit Google’s first page.

Instead, you want to double down on what’s already ranking on page one. And add something unique that’s all your own.

Here are a few ways that you can help your content stand out from the current top 10 results:

  • Include more data: Studies, numbers, specific examples. All of these things can help make your content instantly stand out among a sea of vague statements.
  • More relevant: Is most (or some) of the first page articles that haven’t been updated in years? If so, there’s a chance for you to sneak into the top 10 with something more up-to-date.
  • More dense: Publish content that contains more value per word than the rest.
  • More visuals: No likes reading a giant wall of text. Adding lots of visuals (especially custom-made visuals) is an easy way for your content to stand out.

For more tips on creating content, read our comprehensive guide to SEO copywriting

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is all about helping search engines find, crawl, and index all of the pages on your site you want them to (and none of them that you don’t).

Beyond that, technical SEO also includes your website’s overall performance and usability.

So yeah, it’s an important topic! And one we have a huge guide on that we recommend reading.

But for now, here are some of the key things to know about technical SEO:

  • Page Speed: Google ranks faster pages higher up in the search results since they have a better user experience.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Users need to be able to consume your content easily on a mobile device. In fact, Google now evaluates your content based on its performance on a mobile device.
  • User experience or interface: Users that land on your site should instantly be able to take some sort of action, whether that’s reading an article or navigating to a specific section of your site.
  • Schema markup: Schema helps give Google more context about your content.




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