
What is NVIDIA’s DLDSR? (And How to Enable It)

What NVIDIA's DLDSR is and how to enable it:

What is NVIDIA DLDSR and How to Enable it

NVIDIA recently introduced a new upscaling feature called Deep Learning Dynamic Super Resolution, or DLDSR for short. DLDSR uses artificial intelligence to render games at a higher resolution and then scales them back down, producing sharp, anti-aliased images for your native display resolution.

Native resolution rendering will always produce the sharpest image. But by rendering at a higher resolution and scaling down, you can get much of the visual benefit with less performance impact. DLDSR uses deep learning to produce higher quality scaled images compared to traditional forms of super resolution.

This article covers what DLDSR is, its benefits, how it works, and how to enable it in NVIDIA Control Panel for supported GeForce graphics cards.Lea también: Dos de los microprocesadores más populares de Intel son Pentium y Celeron. Aquí están las similitudes y las diferencias.

La principal ventaja que los pentiums tienen sobre Celerons en 2021 es una característica llamada "Hyper-Threading". Esta función permite que el sistema operativo prácticamente "divida" cada núcleo de procesador en dos. Por lo tanto, un Pentium de doble núcleo puede funcionar de manera efectiva de manera similar a un cuatro núcleos. El fabricante afirma que el hiperingido puede aumentar las velocidades informáticas hasta un 30 por ciento más altas durante las tareas intensivas en CPU.

How DLDSR Works

DLDSR leverages the Tensor Cores available on NVIDIA's RTX 20 series and higher graphics cards. Tensor Cores are specialized processors designed to accelerate deep learning neural networks. This allows NVIDIA to apply sophisticated artificial intelligence techniques to upscaling game resolutions.

When you enable DLDSR, your game still renders at your native resolution. But behind the scenes, it's actually rendered at a higher resolution, such as 4K for a 1080p display. The rendered 4K image is then fed through a deep learning neural network running on the GPU's Tensor Cores.

This neural network analyzes the higher resolution image, identifies features like edges and textures, and scales the image back down while applying techniques to mitigate issues caused by shrinking an image, like aliasing. The result is a 1080p image with many of the visual benefits of rendering natively at 4K.

Benefits of DLDSR

The main benefit of DLDSR is higher image quality with less performance impact. Unlike simply rendering natively at a higher resolution, DLDSR can:

• Reduce aliasing. By rendering at a higher resolution and intelligently scaling down, DLDSR can reduce jagged edges and other forms of aliasing, resulting in smoother images.

• Improve detail and clarity. Since you're effectively rendering at a higher resolution, thin details and textures can appear sharper after DLDSR scaling.

• Boost performance. Since DLDSR scales the resolution down after rendering, it tends to have a lower performance impact than native rendering at that resolution. This can boost your frame rate.

• Utilize Tensor Cores. By offloading the deep learning upscaling to Tensor Cores, DLDSR puts little additional load on your GPU's traditional cores.

• Apply to any game. DLDSR works as an post-process effect so it can enhance just about any game, even ones without built-in resolution scaling options.

How to Enable DLDSR in NVIDIA Control Panel

To enable DLDSR, first ensure you have a GeForce RTX 2060 or higher graphics card as these are the only ones with Tensor Cores required to run DLDSR. Then follow these steps:

  1. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel and go to Display -> Change resolution.

  2. Under "Scaling" mode, select "Perform scaling on:" and choose "GPU."

  3. Click "Use NVIDIA color settings" and check "Enable virtual super resolution."

  4. Click "Add" under Custom Resolutions to create a DLDSR resolution scaling factor. Select a higher resolution to scale from, like 4K for a 1080p display.

  5. Click Apply and your new DLDSR resolution scaling option will appear in your game's resolution settings. Select it, apply the settings, and you'll see the DLDSR effect.

  6. Some games may need to be restarted after changing the resolution for DLDSR to take effect.

  7. Adjust the image quality and performance by tweaking the DLDSR scaling factor. Higher scaling factors mean higher rendering resolutions and more image quality, but lower performance.

With DLDSR enabled, you should see smoother edges, more image detail, and a potential performance boost in supported games that make use of the higher resolution rendering. Give it a try on your compatible GeForce GPU and see how much of an impact this advanced scaling technique can have!




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