
15 common types of hacking 2023

 Here are 15 common types of hacking:

1. SQL injection - Injecting malicious SQL code into an app to gain access to info in databases. 

2. Phishing - Tricking users into revealing sensitive info like passwords and credit card numbers.

3. Device hacking - Gaining access to devices like smartphones, laptops, routers, and IoT devices.   

4. Website hacking - Exploiting vulnerabilities on websites to gain admin access and manipulate data.

5. Malware attacks - Infecting systems with viruses, worms, trojans, and other malicious software.

6. Denial of service - Overloading servers or networks with traffic to knock a site or service offline.

7. Social engineering - Manipulating people into revealing sensitive info or performing actions.

8. Password hacking - Cracking or guessing user passwords through brute force, dictionary or rainbow table attacks.  

9. Man-in-the-middle attacks - Intercepting and modifying communication between two parties.   

10. Ransomware attacks  - Encrypting victim's data and demanding payment for a decryption key.

11. Evil twin attacks - Setting up a rogue wireless access point with the same SSID as a legitimate network.

12. Arbitrary code injection - Injecting code that manipulates the behavior of an application. 

13. Keylogging - Installing keylogger malware to collect keystrokes and capture passwords.como apagar la computadora con el teclado

14. Logic bombs - Malicious code implanted that executes when certain conditions are met.

15. Session hijacking - Taking over someone's active session to gain unauthorized access.

Hopefully this overview provides a good high-level understanding of the common types of attacks hackers use! Let me know if you have any other questions.




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