
How to Use the DiskUsage Command to Analyze Drive Space on Windows 2023

 How to Use the DiskUsage Command to Analyze Drive Space on Windows

The DiskUsage command is a useful tool for analyzing disk space usage on Windows. Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. You can do this by searching for "Command Prompt" and right clicking to select "Run as administrator."Chuwi Rzbox

  2. Run the following command to get a summary of drive space usage:


This will show you a summary of space used, free space, and total size for each drive.

  1. To get a more detailed report for a specific drive, use:

diskusage D: (replace D with your drive letter)

This will show you a breakdown of folders and files on that drive, along with the space used by each.

  1. You can pipe the output of diskusage to a text file for analysis later using:

diskusage D: > usage_report.txt

  1. Use the /S switch if you want to see space usage for all subfolders under a specific folder. For example:

diskusage D:\Documents /S Chuwi hi10 x

This will generate a report for the Documents folder and all subfolders under it.

  1. The diskusage command has some other useful switches as well you can explore to tailor the report, like:
  • /H - Human readable sizes
  • /G - Show gigabytes used
  • /P=num - Show top num subfolders using the most space

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.




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