CrazyEgg offers two kind of heatmap: Click Heatmap and Scroll Heatmap. So to answer your question, it measures both actual clicks and where the mouse is "travelling" between clicks.
However, they also offer overlay and confetti reports. The overlay report allows you to see the number of clicks on each elements of the page and the confetti reportallows you to distinguish by segmenting through referral sources.
Also if you are a looking for a heatmap solution for mobile apps, similar to CrazyEgg for web, do check out UXCam.
In addition to providing Touch Heatmap, UXCam also provides tools to delve deep on User Experience through Session Replay, Heatmaps and UX analysis.
Touch Heatmap
Session Replay
Reach out to me if you have any questions.
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Do you need any information concerning any database.
Do you need to retrieve deleted files?
Do you need to clear your criminal records or DMV?
Do you want to remove any site or link from any blog?
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I can’t say much but with my experience through divorce, I had no one until I met online then I contacted him, surprisingly he helped me hack into my partner's phone and all his social media platforms and i can now access everything and even documented and printed stuffs to show as evidence , now I’m happy with my kids and working for Riches. I hope this helps anyone in need.