How To Add Story Highlights On Instagram 2019
How To Add Story Highlights On Instagram
Method 1: Adding Your Current Story to a Highlight
Open your Instagram (If you don’t have one, you can download it from here).
Then go to “Your Story” by tapping on your profile picture, either in the story row, on the feed tab or on your profile picture itself.
Now, select the image or video you want to upload and send it to your story by tapping on the blue button from the bottom right corner.
Once your story is uploaded, go back to it and you will find a “Highlight” option on the bottom of your screen. Tap on it, and you will get two other options, first is “New”. And in the second option, you will see other story highlights created by you. So, tap on them and add your new story to it. Or if you haven’t made any story highlight(which is why you are reading this article), then tap on “New”, add a name to your highlight and then confirm your process by tapping on the blue “Add” button. That’s it your new story light will be added to your profile now.
Method 2: Creating a Highlight from the Stories Archive
Open your Instagram (If you don’t have one, you can download it from here).
Now, go to your profile and tap on the clock like icon from the top right corner. (This is your archive section).
Once opened, you will see the stories that you would have uploaded in the past.
Now tap on the story that you want to add as a highlight, and then you will find the “Highlight” option from the bottom of your screen. (You can select as many images or videos as you want).
Now again, tap on “New” if you want to make a new highlight or tap on your existing ones and then simply add your archive story to your highlight. And that’s it your past story now, will get added to the story highlights.
So, here are the two methods through which one can easily add story highlights on Instagram without any hassle. Now, according to your preference, you can either add a story to highlight within 24 hours (until your story disappears). Or if it disappears, then also you can add it to highlights by going to your archive section. But if you want to delete your story highlight for any reason, then go to your profile, do a long press on the highlight that you want to delete and you will find the “Delete” option. Tap on it, and that’s it your story highlight will get deleted.Sponsor ads:
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iOS 13 Rumored to Drop Support for iPhone 5s Through iPhone 6s, Several iPad Models
iOS 13 Rumored to Drop Support for iPhone 5s Through iPhone 6s, Several iPad Models
According to a report from The Verifier, which is far from substantiated, suggests that when iOS 13 launches it may drop support for a variety of iPhones. If this pans out, then iOS 13 won’t support the iPhone 5s, the iPhone SE (which makes the device going back up for sale very peculiar), iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, the iPhone 6s, and iPhone 6s Plus. That’s a lot of iPhones, all of which support iOS 12.
Moving on to the iPad lineup, iOS 13 is rumored to drop support for the iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, and maybe even the iPad mini 4. That’s not all, though! If this turns out to be true, Apple will end support for the sixth-generation iPod touch, too. Of course, “drop support” in this case means not getting any future software updates beyond whatever the final version of iOS 12 Apple releases.
As mentioned above, the information shared in the original report isn’t verified, and it’s possible –maybe even likely– that none of this is true. However, the iPhone 5s is definitely starting to age. However, Apple loves to tout how long it supports its devices.
In related news, iOS 13 is also rumored to adopt a new dark mode, among other additions — including a new home screen for iPads (that support the software). Along with new software and new hardware this year, iOS 13 may earn itself plenty of attention for the devices it doesn’t support when it gets unveiled at this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June.
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According to a report from The Verifier, which is far from substantiated, suggests that when iOS 13 launches it may drop support for a variety of iPhones. If this pans out, then iOS 13 won’t support the iPhone 5s, the iPhone SE (which makes the device going back up for sale very peculiar), iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, the iPhone 6s, and iPhone 6s Plus. That’s a lot of iPhones, all of which support iOS 12.
Moving on to the iPad lineup, iOS 13 is rumored to drop support for the iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, and maybe even the iPad mini 4. That’s not all, though! If this turns out to be true, Apple will end support for the sixth-generation iPod touch, too. Of course, “drop support” in this case means not getting any future software updates beyond whatever the final version of iOS 12 Apple releases.
As mentioned above, the information shared in the original report isn’t verified, and it’s possible –maybe even likely– that none of this is true. However, the iPhone 5s is definitely starting to age. However, Apple loves to tout how long it supports its devices.
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In related news, iOS 13 is also rumored to adopt a new dark mode, among other additions — including a new home screen for iPads (that support the software). Along with new software and new hardware this year, iOS 13 may earn itself plenty of attention for the devices it doesn’t support when it gets unveiled at this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June.
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Fix Forgot WiFi Password on iPhone?
1: Check Your iCloud Keychain Settings
Thanks to the iCloud synchronization, recovering the saved passwords on your devices is a walk in the park. You can use the feature Keychain to retrieve the saved passwords on your device. Please note that this method needs a Mac computer.
1. Go to the “Settings” app on the device and tap on “iCloud”.
2. Then, go to Keychain and turn on the iCloud keychain.
3. Go to the Settings app once again and turn on the option “Personal Hotspot”.
4. Connect your Mac to the personal hotspot you created on your iPhone.
5. Open Spotlight search on your Mac and type “Keychain Access” and hit enter.
6. Search and open the respective WiFi network. Then click on the option “Show Password”.
2: Check Router Settings to Find Forgotten WiFi Password
Let’s try to reveal your forgotten WiFi password through the router settings. Please note that this method may or may not work and it requires more effort compared to the previous one. However, we believe that it is worth trying every chance you have in order to recover the forgotten WiFi password.
1. Go to Settings and select WiFi.
2. Click on the “i" icon next to WiFi network.
3. You should write down the IP address available in the router section.
4. Go to Safari browser and enter the IP address you wrote down and hit enter.
5. Enter the username and password of the router (you must know the its username and password).
6. When you are in the router settings page, go to the section where WiFi password is available.
3: Find Forgotten iPhone WiFi Password with Jailbreak
If you have a jailbroken device, here are the steps you can take to reveal the forgot WiFi password.
Solution #01: WiFi Password
1. Perform a search on Cydia with the term “WiFi Password” and download the app.
2. Install it and click on “Return to Cydia” and press Home Button.
3. Click on WiFi Password icon and open it.
Solution #02: Speedssid
1. Search for Speedssid in Cydia, download and install it.
2. Now, perform a scan for the available networks and check if you can view the password.
Tip: Recover Forgotten WiFi Passwords from iPhone Directly
Practically, you don’t find many tools that can recover WiFi passwords through iOS devices. However, the good news is that iMyFone is currently working on such a tool. If everything goes well, pretty soon we will be able to enjoy the assistance of a good WiFi password finder from iMyFone.
Step 1. Download and install this software on your computer. Click Start button and connect your device to computer successfully.
Step 2. Once the iPhone is detected, just scan your device. You also need to enter the password in order to allow the program to access the data on your device if you have set password for it.
Step 3. After scanning, your WiFi information will be listed on the screen. Now all you need to do is to press Export button to save them to computer.
If you forgot WiFi password on iPhone, you will know what to do now. You can try all the options mentioned above and check if you can recover the forgotten password. But please note that jailbroken devices are exposed to security vulnerabilities. Just stay patient and work smartly without panicking. We are ready to answer any other queries you may have, so leave a comment and let us know what you need.
Restoring Lost Photos and Videos from iPhone
If you have deleted some of your pictures or videos from your gallery, then there is a straightforward way to Recover Deleted Files iPhone back.
After you delete the media files from your gallery, be it photos or videos, then you must know that iOS has a feature that the deleted media files doesn’t get deleted immediately, but it gets compiled to a temporary folder from where it gets deleted after 30 days. If you lost data after you updated to a new iPhone, you can always use Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery to get the data back from the old iPhone or backup. Should you wish to recover these files, you must go to that “recently deleted” folder and retrieve these files before 30 days.
If you use android phones, please choose Gihosoft Android Data Recovery.
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iCloud Unlock Online Services (Not Free) 2019
iCloud Unlock Online Services (Not Free)
You can unlock iCloud with the help of paid iCloud unlocking online services. They are legit and provide expected results. Following are a couple of useful iCloud unlock online services:
iCloud Unlock Online (Not Free) - iPhoneIMEI.net
Price: Varies depending on the device model. Starts from $28.
Time Required: iCloud is unlocked within 1-3 days.
iPhoneIMEI.net is a popular iCloud unlocking service that you can use to conveniently bypass iCloud activation lock from your iPhone. The service supports all new and old models of iPhones and the process of iCloud unlocking is easy as well.
Here are the steps to use this iCloud unlock online service (not free):
Visit iphoneimei.net on your favorite web browser.
Next, select your iPhone model. Then input your device's IMEI and click the Unlock Now button.
You'll be directed to the payment page, choose one of the payment and order it.
After the above-mentioned steps, you will receive a confirmation email (on your provided email address) and will be required to provide payment details.
iCloud Unlock Online (Not Free) - Cellunlocker.co.uk
Price: Varies depending on the device model. Starts from $27.
Time Required: iCloud is unlocked within 72 hours.
Cellunlocker.co.uk is another popular iCloud unlocking online service. Similar to iPhoneIMEI.net, you can use this service to unlock iCloud on any iPhone model, regardless of whether it is an older model or the latest one. The process is straightforward and the pricing is also reasonable.
Visit cellunlocker.co.uk on your favorite web browser.
On the next screen, select your iPhone model and then input your iPhone's IMEI.
Now click on 'Unlock now' button, then pay for it.
After completing the above steps, you will need to wait for the confirmation email from cellunlocker.co.uk team. Once you have received the email (on the email address you provided), you will need to provide payment details. iCloud activation lock will be unlocked within the next three days.Sponsor ads:
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If you lost data after you updated to a new iPhone, you can always use Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery to get the data back from the old iPhone or backup.
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5 Best Alarm Apps for Android 2019
But yes, every smartphone comes with an in-built alarm, so what is the need to have other? Well, if you search for “alarm” on the Play Store, you’ll find so many results! This tells me two things, either people are having a hard time waking up or they are not satisfied with their inbuilt alarm apps. So, whatever be the reason, don’t worry we have done the work for you, as here is a list of 5 Best Alarm Apps for Android which will force you to get out of bed!
Best Alarm Apps for Android:
Alarm Clock: Stopwatch & Timer
Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) – Mission Alarm Clock App
Alarm Clock for Me free
Alarm Clock
1. Alarm Clock: Stopwatch & Timer
Now, Alarm Clock Xtreme is undoubtedly one of the best alarm application on the Google Play Store. As the app comes with a number of customizable options which you can set according to your preference. It is up to you how you want to wake up, be it with a slow, gentle volume or extra large snooze button or indeed while playing a game! Yes, a game! The app comes with puzzle games which has math problems, so only after finishing the game, you can dismiss the alarm. Coming to the ringtone, the app renders various options such as music from your library, online radio, or default ringtones from your device. Now, with additional features, the app has both a timer and stopwatch, an option called as My Day through which one can display the most important information you need when you wake up and many such more. So, download Alarm Clock Xtreme and wake up to your favorite music or by jumpstarting your day by solving puzzles!
Main Features:
Personalize your alarm.
Timer and Stopwatch.
A variety of alarm ringtone options.
Puzzle games.
Download Alarm Clock: Stopwatch & Timer
2. Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) – Mission Alarm Clock App
If you’re someone who has a habit of snoozing or turning off the alarm to go back to sleep, then Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) is a perfect app for you. Voted as the most annoying alarm clock app for Android, Alarmy has a unique method of waking up its users. The first method is the “Photo Mode”, in here the users need to take a picture of a place where they want to turn off the alarm clock. So, when the alarm clock starts ringing, you will have to go to the registered place and take a picture for the alarm to stop. The second method is the “Math problem mode”, where you need to solve a math problem to turn the alarm off. But if you are not that stubborn then simply choose the “Shake Mode” and shake your mobile to turn the alarm off. Now, apart from this, the app includes many different features too, such as you can start your morning by reading news, horoscope or even checking the weather! So, download Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) and wake up to your own peaceful music, annoying loud alarm or by completing a task!
Main Features:
Take a photo to dismiss.
Shake it or solve it.
Choose your own theme.
See the weather and news off the bed.
Alarm records.
Download Alarmy
3. Alarm Clock for Me free
Alarm Clock for Me, as the name suggests, is perfect for people who love to customize their alarm clocks in the way they want. As the app provides a number of customization options through which one can play their favorite tunes and can also set beautiful themes to wake up to. Now as for the features, the app has a Sleep timer through which one can fall asleep listening to their favorite songs or sounds from their collection. Also for the alarm to turn off, the app renders two ways, which is the math-problem solver and the shake alarm option to wake up your body. In addition, the app also has a Perfect Bedtime Reminder feature which reminds you to sleep at the right time in the evening. So, download Alarm Clock for Me and get a reliable daily helper perfect for every timing situation.
Main Features:
Sleep Timer.
Current temperature.
Nightstand mode.
Customizable clock widgets.
Perfect Bedtime Reminder.
Download Alarm Clock for Me free
4. Clock
Clock is an app which comes in a beautiful package filled with all the requirements you need in an alarm clock. As the app includes a timer, stopwatch and even a world clock which will keep you updated all around. Now for using the app, simply set the wake-up time as per your schedule. Next, select your favorite music as your alarm tone and that’s it you are good to go! Also, apart from this one can even customize the app in the way they want, as the app provides a number of customization options too. In addition, one can even bring the alarms and timers on their wrist by pairing the app with wear OS devices! So, download Clock, and get all the alarm functionality combined in a simple yet convenient app.
Main Features:
Timer and stopwatch.
World clock.
Set your schedule.
Customize alarms.
Ringtone options.
Download Clock
5. Alarm Clock
Alarm Clock is indeed a smart and intelligent app which is built with an excellent algorithm for alarm activations. Reason being, the app, auto adjust itself while the time zone changes and each alarm starts with predefined settings. So, if you talk on the phone, the alarm is automatically played in a lower tone as not to disturb you. While the alarm runs and someone is calling you, it will auto snooze and start playing the call ringtone. Apart from this, the clock comes in 4 different styles i.e analog dark, analog light, digital dark, and digital light. Also, one can set unlimited alarms and timers and can get tunes from your own music library! Coming to design, the app renders a minimalistic design which perfectly suits every smartphone no matter what size of the screen. So download, Alarm Clock app and get a simple yet elegant clock for your Android devices.
Main Features:
4 types of stylish designer clocks.
Unlimited alarms and timers.
Customization options.
3 types of notifications.
Optimized for all known screen resolutions.
Download Alarm Clock
So, above are the 5 Best Alarm Apps that you can download on your Android devices without any hassle. Feel free to choose any app which perfectly suits your requirements. As some of them are for the stubborn wakers while others just have a beautiful package of features. But each one of them does their sole work, and that is to wake you up in the morning. Now the choice is up to you whether you want to wake up by a big snooze button, or by playing a game, or even by a peaceful music.Sponsor ads:
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Top 10 Best FRP Bypass Tools to Bypass Google Account on Android Device 2019
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Can I Delete An Apple ID on iPhone 2019
Can I Delete An Apple ID on iPhone
If the question regarding deleting your Apple ID comes into focus then don’t panic, follow the same steps to do it. Now talking about the problems associated with removing Apple ID are mostly faced by the ones who are new to the Apple community or those who have never actually deleted their account even once. When a situation like deleting the account for good comes into the spotlight, people often panic and start worrying a lot, they even spend a lot of money trying to fix this simple process.
But now you don’t have to worry because things will be good from now on if you follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to Settings and tap your Apple ID at the top.
Step 2: Scroll to the bottom and tap Sign Out.
Step 3: Enter the password of your Apple ID and tap Turn Off.
Step 4: Tap Sign Out and them confirm again to sigh out.
This will do the job, now you don’t have to worry about the process involving deleting an ID from your iPhone or any other Apple device.
Can I Delete An Apple ID from A Computer?
It is a common question which comes across every user. Even if there’s just an iPhone or an iPad and the access to the Apple ID is also authorized by another platform and device such as a Windows PC, you can still manage to remove your Apple ID once and for all. All you have to do is to follow the given steps and sit back, take a deep breath or even sip a cup of coffee.
Delete your Apple ID from Windows PC
Step 1: Open iTunes.
Step 2: Click on Store > View Account and then enter your password.
Step 3: Click on Manage Devices.
Step 4: Click on Remove next to each device and click Done.
Step 5: Click on Store > Deauthorize This Computer.
Delete your Apple ID from Mac
Step 1: Click on Apple icon and select System Preferences.
Step 2: Click on iCloud and then Sign Out.
Step 3: Open iTunes>store> Deauthorize this Computer.
Step 4: Click Sign Out.
Now you get the answer of the question “How can I delete my Apple ID”. If you don’t know the password of it, Sponsor ads:
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Recover up to 12+ types of files, including contacts, SMS, photos, WhatsApp, Viber, notes, etc.
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Support all the latest iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
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If you lost data after you updated to a new iPhone, you can always use Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery to get the data back from the old iPhone or backup.
Top 10 Best FRP Bypass Tools to Bypass Google Account on Android Device 2019
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Jihosoft Android Data Recovery: the best Android Data Recovery software for Windows and Mac to recover deleted contacts, messages, photos, videos, WhatsApp and etc from Android
If you use android phones, please choose Gihosoft Android Data Recovery.
Indian Billionaire Is Not Happy with His iPad Pro
It is not just us average folks who are complaining about the various accessories that one has to buy to go along with any new Apple product they buy. Indian billionaire Anand Mahindra, chairman of the multi-billion dollar Mahindra Group, took to Twitter to complain about the USB-C port on his new iPad Pro being incompatible with his existing iPhone charger and earphones.
He complained that since the iPhone charger does not work with his new iPad, he will have to carry an additional charger with him while traveling. Additionally, the lack of a Lightning connector means his existing EarPods don’t work with the tablet as well. He sarcastically said that this was a “great strategy” from Apple to boost accessory sales.
anand mahindra
Got a new iPad & found that the lightning connector's been http://replaced.So need a new charger which doesn't work with my iPhone&new earphones too.More junk when I travel. Great strategy to boost accessory sales, but not surprised more folks are sticking to existing models
1:17 PM - Jan 18, 2019
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722 people are talking about this
Apple switched over to USB-C with its 2018 iPad Pro lineup, while its iPhone lineup continues to stick to Lightning. This means that if you own a 2018 iPad Pro and iPhone XS/XR, you will have to carry two separate chargers for them.
Despite Mahindra being a billionaire who can easily afford to buy a few accessories for his new iPad, the comments he makes are spot on. Apple’s port strategy is a bit of a mess right now with the company using USB-C on its MacBook, MacBook Pro, and iPad Pro lineup, while its iPhone lineup continues to stick to Lightning. Irrespective of which Apple product you buy, you will have to buy some adapters with them.
There are rumors of Apple switching over to USB-C with its 2019 iPhones but it is still not confirmed. The switch will make the life of a lot of people easier.Sponsor ads:
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Free iPhone Data Recovery Software for Windows/Mac
Recover up to 12+ types of files, including contacts, SMS, photos, WhatsApp, Viber, notes, etc.
Restore lost data from iOS devices directly or from iTunes and iCloud backup
Recover iPhone data lost due to iOS upgrade/jailbreak, accidental deletion, device lost or broken
Support all the latest iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Both Free and Pro version.
If you lost data after you updated to a new iPhone, you can always use Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery to get the data back from the old iPhone or backup.
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How to recover lost data for free on android phones 2019?
How to recover lost
data for free on android phones?
Android phones
are the most preferable and used mobile phones today. Our mobile phones is the
device in which we store ,be it our
special moments in life or be the important files of your work like contacts,
videos, pictures, emails, messages, files etc. So what will you do when you
have accidentally delete it , format or lost all the important data on your
android phone. This can be the scariest thing to happen to you.
When you can
lost data?
You can lost
data of your android phones by mistake , in the rooting process, virus or even
update time. This are the most chances of losing your important data. This is
the most annoying things for most of us. Because our phones is the device we
store the important data, and then have to face circumstances. But now you can
easily get out of this situation with the help of no.1 data recovery software
for android EaseUs mobisaver.
EaseUs Mobisaver
for android Free 5.0 is the best tool to recover all your lost data without
taking any worry. with this advance tool you can be able to recover all your
data like music, photos, videos, messages, files and more.
What is EaseUs
It is an android
data recovery software for windows and Mac. It will recover all your data
easily from your android phones in just few steps. EaseUs software supports
6000+ android phones and tablets.
You can easily recover from accident data loss,
format or deletion of files by mistake. This software is very easy to use and
works as a charm in recovering you lost data. You can recover data from
internal memory and SD card.
When you need
EaseUs Mobisaver
You will need
this software when you will face data loss from SD card or internal storage of
your phone. Then if you wish to recover your lost data then this is the
situation from which EaseUs was built to save you. EaseUs mobisaver is
essential in recovering your phone from accidental delete, virus attack, failed root, corrupt SD card, phone update.
EaseUs mobisaver
runs on windows and Mac ios platform. It works best on even minimum
specification pc. The setup process is very easy to use. Over 72,000,000 users are satisfied by using it to
recover your lost data in just few clicks.
How to install
The installation
process is very simple. You can download it on the official page of EaseUs
mobisaver which if free for windows and mac operating system. After that an
.exe file will be downloaded to your pc, then install it and then you are free
to start recovering your data from your android phone.
Step by step
guide to use EaseUs mobisaver to recover lost data
Step 1: download and install for windows and mac
On the official
page of EaseUs data recovery software you will get the link to download
mobisaver for windows and mac operating system. Click on download button and
then the file will begin to download on your pc. After the download is
complete. Install it and run it to start recovering your data.
Step 2: check
root status
The most
important thing to see before trying to recover lost data on android is to see
if the device is rooted or not.
For successful
recovery of data it is necessary for your device to be rooted and if it is not
rooted then first root the device and then start the process again.
Step 3: connect
to pc
Once you have verified
the root access then you will need an usb cable to connect your android device
with pc via usb cable.
If the device is
not connecting then make sure the usb debugging option is turned on in
developer mode.
Step 4: click on start button
Once the android
device is successfully connected to the pc then click on start button then the
software will recognize your android device model and will establish successful
connection to the device.
Step 5: scan
After the
connection to the device is established
then the software will start the scanning the internal memory for any data loss
or deleted files.
The process can
take some time depends on the storage size of your android device.
Step 6: Recover
After the data
is successfully scanned then it will show preview of all the files it has discovered on the internal
memory. Preview and select which files you want to recover then click on
“recover” button to recover the selected
data to your pc.
The process can
take some time, wait for sometime and then the files will be recovered to your
So, this was the
complete solution on how to recover lost data for free on android devices.
Gihosoft Android Data Recovery, no longer afraid of data loss!
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software for windows to help users recover the deleted or lost photo for free.
Jihosoft Android Data Recovery: the best Android Data Recovery
software for Windows and Mac to recover deleted contacts, messages, photos,
videos, WhatsApp and etc from Android devices.Tips:How to transfer messages from iPhone to iPhone
Best 5 Swimming Games For Android 2019
Honestly, who wants to leave the pool especially if it’s in the midst of the summer season! But hey, going out in summer is also a headache, again the sunrays! So, what if I tell you that you can get the fun of diving in a swimming pool just with your smartphone! Yes, it’s true! As there are a number of swimming games on the Google Play Store that will surely give you the vibe of the summer season in actually any season! So, if you are someone who loves swimming pool but want to have it in the comfort of your home then don’t worry dive in your smartphone and check out this 5 Best Swimming Games For Android.
Worth Reading: 10 Best Horror Games for Android
Best Swimming Games For Android:
Swimming Pool Race 2017
Hungry Shark Evolution
Swimming Race 3D
Swimming Pool Flip Diving 3D
Real Pool Swimming Water Race 3d 2017 – Fun Game
1. Swimming Pool Race 2017
Swimming Pool Race 2017 is surely one of the best swimming game out there on the Play Store. The reason being, this game has everything! Be it professional athletes, different countries, championships, and most importantly a bundle full of swimming fun! In the game, you play as a professional athlete who is playing from a country and wants to win a gold medal to keep its country’s name high. Now, for the controls, control your swimming by tapping on the screen and tap quickly to accelerate. You can even change the direction get it slow or fast just don’t get scared to jump! So, do your best to achieve the top of the tournament table, win the gold and become a champion with this Swimming Pool Race 2017 game!
Main Features:
3D environment.
Different swimming styles.
Various countries.
Easy controls.
Download Swimming Pool Race 2017
2. Hungry Shark Evolution
Well, can you take control over a Hungry Shark? Find out this in the Hungry Shark Evolution game. The game is sure addictive and will definitely keep you hooked for hours. As in the game you control a hungry shark who is on a frantic ocean violence and is eating everything and everyone that comes in its way! But don’t worry about all this mayhem, as through the game you get to see a beautiful underwater world with iconic sharks like the Great White and Megalodon! Now for the features, the game has great graphics and amazing quests which will help you to evolve your shark at a great speed. Also don’t worry your ocean love won’t stop even if your net goes down, as the game perfectly works in offline mode too. So, download Hungry Shark Evolution and live every day like a shark day!
Main Features:
3D graphics.
Awesome sound effects.
Offline mode.
Syncronize easily across Android devices.
In-game events.
Download Hungry Shark Evolution
3. Swimming Race 3D
Swimming Race 3D, as the name suggests is a 3D swimming game which has great graphics and details. Now, before the game starts, you can choose your character who will help you to win the championship. For the controls, they are indeed very simple, all you need to do is press the swim button. And for the stunts, you need to swipe your finger on the screen. Just grab the point and do various stunts. Now, the mission of the game is to win the race and collect coins in the process which will help you to buy stamina for higher levels. So, can you win a swimming race? Well, find out this in the Swimming Race 3D game.
Main Features:
Easy controls.
A number of levels.
Detailed graphics.
Download Swimming Race 3D
4. Swimming Pool Flip Diving 3D
Flip and spin, earn points, collect awards and get ready to participate in the World Championship with Swimming Pool Flip Diving 3D game! Now, in the game, you need to choose your diver, then just perform various tricks and stunts. But make sure you perform all stunts without any mistake to earn maximum points. Because the more correctly you perform the more points you earn and with those points you can unlock new cliffs or other high places to jump. Now, coming to features, the game provides great and beautiful locations with some of the best jumps and so much more! So, download Swimming Pool Flip Diving 3D game and just have fun with this new diving simulator game.
Main Features:
Great locations.
Stunts and tricks.
3D graphics.
Different jumpers.
Unlockable places.
Download Swimming Pool Flip Diving 3D
5. Real Pool Swimming Water Race 3d 2017 – Fun Game
Real Pool is a 3D swimming game where your mission is to win the gold medal in World Championships! But how will you do it? Well, by swimming faster than the other players! Now, coming to the controls, they are easy and quick to learn. As for the visuals, the game provides beautiful locations and stunning environment. But if you are not a pro in swimming games then don’t worry, practice your skills and swimming style in the game itself. And then when you feel ready, participate in races and championships. So, download Real Pool Swimming Water Race game and get an addictive swimming pool gameplay!
Main Features:
Interesting contests.
Beautiful environment.
Different swim styles.
Addictive gameplay.
Simple controls.
Download Real Pool Swimming Water Race 3d
So, above are the 5 Best Swimming Games that you can download on your Android devices without any hassle. Now, all of the mentioned games renders beautiful and exciting locations with a number of tricks that one can perform. And the best part, the controls of the listed games are not just easy to learn but simple to master. So, that you don’t get any difficulty while playing.
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Support all the latest iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
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Foxconn Removes 50,000 Contract Workers Months Earlier Than Usual
The slowdown in iPhone sales has led many Apple suppliers to cut thousands of seasonal jobs earlier than usual. Foxconn, Apple’s biggest supplier, has removed 50,000 contract workers from its factory in Zhengzhou since October. Usually, Foxconn hires these workers right before the launch of a new iPhone, i.e. in mid-August and renews their monthly contract until January.
However, due to the slowdown in iPhone sales, Foxconn stopped renewing the contracts of such workers from October itself. Pegatron, another key Apple supplier, has also let go of its contract workers from November itself.
A source close to the company said its normal practice was to reduce the 200,000-strong head count by tens of thousands every month until reaching about 100,000 — the minimum required for daily operation, according to one source familiar with the situation. “And for [2018], it just happened sooner than in the past because of poor demand.”
Another key Apple component supplier has asked 4,000 of its employees to take an “extended vacation” until March. It will decide whether to lay them off or not after March 1, 2019.
To better brace itself for the further decline in iPhone shipments in 2019, Foxconn has launched an aggressive cost-cutting program. It is internally restructuring its organization and has merged the MacBook and iPad division with another unit making laptops and PCs for Dell and Acer. The company is looking to curtail its expenses by $2.96 billion in 2019. For this, it will be reducing its employees in back-office support, human resources, administration, accounting, and more.
Our Take
The smartphone industry is slowing down and this is going to affect Apple as well. The days of iPhone sales setting a new sales record every holiday quarter has long gone. This means that it is not just Apple but other smartphone OEMs are also going to reduce their workforce to curtail their expenses.
[Via Nikkei]
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Recover up to 12+ types of files, including contacts, SMS, photos, WhatsApp, Viber, notes, etc.
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How to Unlock iPhone Screen Lock 2019
Two Ways Introduced by to Unlock iPhone Screen Lock
In the Apple Support document HT204306, you can find two ways to unlock your iPhone screen without passcode. They both should be operated on iTunes. Here are the detailed steps for each one.
Way 1. Restore Your iDevice with Synced iTunes
This way is easy and you can back up your device data before restoring. But there are some requirements should be satisfied first:
The iTunes you tend to use should be the one you used to sync your device before.
If your device is running on iOS 11.4 or later, the “USB Accessories” (which you can find in “Settings > Touch ID & Passcode”) should be enabled.
Follow these steps if you want to try it:
Step 1. Connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable.
Step 2. Launch iTunes on your PC or Mac. If you’re asked for a passcode, try another computer you synced with.
Step 3. Or wait for iTunes to sync your device and make a backup.
Step 4. After the sync and backup, click the “Restore [device]” tab.
Step 5. When it finishes, you’ll need to set up your device. When you get to the setup screen while restoring your iOS device, tap “Restore from iTunes Backup”.
Step 6. Select your device in iTunes and choose the appropriate backup to restore from.
Way 2. Restore Your iDevice in Recovery Mode
A recovery mode is an option for removing iPhone passcode especially for those who have never synced their iOS devices on iTunes. This method will erase all your device’s data and its passcode.
Step 1. Connect your iOS device to a Windows or Mac computer, and launch iTunes.
Step 2. While your device is connected the computer, force restart it:
On iPhone 8 or later: Press and quickly release the Volume Up button, press and quickly release the Volume Down button, and then press and hold the Side button until recovery mode screen appears.
On iPhone 7 or 7 Plus: Press and hold the Side and Volume Down buttons the same time until you see the recovery mode screen.
On iPhone 6s and earlier, iPad, or iPod touch: Press and hold the Home and Top (Side) buttons at the same time until you see the recovery mode screen.
Step 3. The options to restore or update your device will appear, choose Restore.
Just wait for it to finish. But note that, if the process takes more 15 minutes, your device will exit the recovery mode. You will need to repeat the steps until it finally restores your device.
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Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery Free
Free iPhone Data Recovery Software for Windows/Mac
Recover up to 12+ types of files, including contacts, SMS, photos, WhatsApp, Viber, notes, etc.
Restore lost data from iOS devices directly or from iTunes and iCloud backup
Recover iPhone data lost due to iOS upgrade/jailbreak, accidental deletion, device lost or broken
Support all the latest iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Both Free and Pro version.
If you lost data after you updated to a new iPhone, you can always use Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery to get the data back from the old iPhone or backup.You may also like: iphonerecovery.com
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With Gihosoft Android Data Recovery, no longer afraid of data loss!
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How to Retrieve Deleted VSCO Photos from iTunes Backup 2019
Retrieve Deleted VSCO Photos from iTunes Backup
The above method is used if you have not created a backup of your device’s data. You can also recover deleted VSCO photos from iTunes backup if you have. Keep in mind that all current data will be replaced with restored backup.
Official Restore iTunes Backup
Apple allows you to restore the entire iTunes backup including the deleted VSCO photos to your device in just a few steps.
Step 1. Open iTunes on your computer and connect the iPhone to it using the USB cable.
Step 2. Complete all the steps that appear on your computer screen and then select your iPhone.
Step 3. Choose Restore Backup and select the latest and appropriate backup of your device after checking date and time.
Step 4. When you click “Restore”, the recovery will begin. The entire data including deleted VSCO photos will get restored.
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Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery Free
Free iPhone Data Recovery Software for Windows/Mac
Recover up to 12+ types of files, including contacts, SMS, photos, WhatsApp, Viber, notes, etc.
Restore lost data from iOS devices directly or from iTunes and iCloud backup
Recover iPhone data lost due to iOS upgrade/jailbreak, accidental deletion, device lost or broken
Support all the latest iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Both Free and Pro version.
If you lost data after you updated to a new iPhone, you can always use Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery to get the data back from the old iPhone or backup.You may also like: iphonerecovery.com
With Gihosoft Android Data Recovery, no longer afraid of data loss!
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Jihosoft Android Data Recovery: the best Android Data Recovery software for Windows and Mac to recover deleted contacts, messages, photos, videos, WhatsApp and etc from Android devices.Tips:How to transfer messages from iPhone to iPhone
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