
5 Proven SEO Tactics to Boost Your Search Traffic In 2017|林子超博客

Search engine traffic is the lifeblood for any profitable website.
Without website traffic, you can’t drive more sales. It’s as simple as that.
Did you know that 90% of bloggers struggle to get more traffic to their sites? I know how frustrating it is to spending time on writing quality posts but not generating any website traffic.
So this post is a treat for you where you’ll find 5 proven methods to quickly increase your overall website traffic from search engines like Google.
Are you ready to find them out? Let’s get started.

#1. Spy on your competitor’s keywords

Want to quickly increase your search traffic? Start finding the keywords that your competitors are using.
If you want to grow your search traffic, make sure to focus on doing keyword research. Although there are a ton of keyword research tools out there, SEMrush tops the list.
One of the greatest offerings from SEMRush is competitor data. Competitive keyword research can be a very time-consuming process if you do not have an effective process in place. Manually analyzing a number of your competitors waste a lot of time.
SEMrush saves you time and effort that you can then use to increase the content and value on your own website. Here is how you can find your competitor’s keywords:
#1. Access Organic Keyword Data: Go to SEMrush, enter your competitor domain into the search field. Click on “Top Organic Keywords” section and it will give all your competitor’s organic keyword data.
Once you have identified your competitors top performing keywords, make sure to identify long tail keywords. These are long-tail keywords that have less search volume than foundational keywords.
These keywords often represent a customer’s interest in getting more information about a product or service to either help them make a purchase decision, validate an already made purchase or get other sorts of information about a product or service. Here are some tips to find strategic keywords:
  • Filter the “Keyword” column to only show keywords like what, when, where, why, how.
  • Filter the “Keyword” column to only show keywords with qualifier keywords such as: best, most, cheap, etc.
Once you have identified enough foundational and strategic keyword topics, prioritize by opportunity like search volume, competition and start using it in your content. Again, these are some of the most basics steps of SEO, but they are going to prove useful and act as the foundation for your link building and search ranking success.
#2. Start filtering the profitable keywords: Have a look at the “Top Organic Keywords” section. Click on “Main Organic Competitors” section. There, click on the “View Full Report” button to list all competitors. Once you clicked the button, you will be taken to a new page where you see a section like this.
#3. Identify seed keywords: Foundational keywords are the “head” terms that are typically targeted on category or service pages. It consists of one to three words and have higher search volume.
For example, SEO training, car insurance etc.. However, foundational keywords can also come in the form of long-tail keywords. You will typically find foundational keywords toward the top half of your worksheet. However, here are some tips to find foundational keywords that has less competition.
  • If you have eCommerce blog, then filter the “Keyword” column to only show keywords with eCommerce qualifier keywords, such as: sale, discount, free, online, shop, store, reviews, etc.
  • If your blog offer services, then filter the “Keyword” column to only show keywords with service qualifier keywords, such as services, professional, agency, company, case studies, testimonials, reviews, etc.
So, based on what kind of blog you have, filter the keyword column.

#2. Backlinks are golden

No SEO campaign successful without building links. Backlinks will remain a vital Google ranking factor. But, effective link building is now about trust and popularity. When you apply strategic link building technique to your site, your rankings will improve.
Backlinks not only help you get more traffic but also help to promote and earn more from your products.
You will even improve your conversion rate because you are working as the high authority on the topic to search engines. A “backlink” is created when an external website links to yours and this is also termed as “external backlinks”.
Have a look at the image below to their importance.
Before you start building a website link to your web page, make sure that you can answer to these questions.
  • Do I produce well-organized content?
  • Does my site provide useful information to the sites that will link to mine?
Google uses around 200 ranking factors to rank websites and out of those 200 ranking factors in Google’s ranking algorithm, here are the three most essential encompass links.
  1. The number of external links you receive is important.
  2. Links with SEO focused anchor text needs to be relevant to the target page.
  3. Your links need to be from a reputable news source.
Many SEO agencies focus on building relevant links to get first-page search results on Google. Building links have always been a valuable aspect of an SEOs strategy. Make sure you follow these 3 rules to get quality backlinks.
#1. Keep it relevant: Relevancy is king in link building. If you want to create the best response from Google, then the Linking to sites relevant to your niche and getting backlinks from them in return is essential. Trust is an extremely strong factor for Google. Backlinks from reliable sites in your niche show that your content is trustworthy and relevant on the given topic.
Google will start considering you as an authority on the subject once you gain enough backlinks from reputable sites in your niche. Getting links from strong sites that have no relevance for your business might help you initially, but will create problems down the road. So make sure to create amazing content that other people will naturally want to link to.
#2. Create authority with deep links: If you want to build an authoritative website in search engines, one which ranks high across multiple pages, then you need to create strong relationships among your pages.
#3. Use your anchor text carefully: Anchor text is the visible and clickable text in a link. An aggressive anchor text can land you a penalty. Building links is certainly an essential SEO practice. To see the best results, incorporate relevance and trustworthiness into your link building strategy.

#3. Improve your rankings with proper on-page SEO

Every blogger who ever starts his blogging career hears about on-page SEO. If you are looking for some strategies that will help in improving your traffic and rankings then make sure you follow these.
  • The title tag is the #1 on-page SEO factor. So, always start title tag with your primary keyword.
  • Use SEO-friendly URLs. Make sure your page URLs are short and keyword-rich. Avoid ugly URLs as it harms your site traffic.
  • Always wrap your title in <h1> tag and for subheading use <h2> tag. Include your target keyword in at least one subheading.
  • Your keyword should appear in the first 100 words of the article.
  • Images speak louder than plain text. Use images, infographics, videos, podcasts to increase user time on your site.
  • Site design is the new king. These days, everyone uses their smartphone more than laptops. If your site is not mobile-friendly Google will penalize your site. So, choose the theme for your site that works better in mobile too.
  • Optimize all the image files (not just crushing them into small files). You can do this by inserting target keyword in image Alt text.
  • Short content is dead. Google ranks those on its first page that which has longer content with typically over 2000 words.
  • Well, who doesn’t like if their content goes viral? For that, you need to provide the option to the users to share it on social media. So, add social sharing buttons and use appealing images.
  • Use LSI keywords in every post. These are the synonyms that Google uses to determine a page’s relevancy.
  • Add modifiers to your title like “best”, “review”, “guide” etc. This will help you to rank for long tail versions of your target keywords.

#4. Get access to the right SEO tools

To work smarter and faster with SEO, you need to have the right tools. From ranking higher on search engine results to maximizing advertising campaigns, SEO can help you to build your brand, and ultimately increase revenue.
Here are the 6 SEO tools that will help you to understand and improve SEO for your small business:
#1. Google Pagespeed Insights: With this tool, you can check the speed and usability of your site on multiple devices. Go to webpage and enter a URL. This tool will help you in testing the loading time and performance for desktop and for mobile.
It also identifies opportunities and areas where you can improve. The mobile results also come with a user experience score, grading areas like tap targets and font sizes.
#2. Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool: It is a website crawler that can quickly audit all of your webpages for SEO-friendliness. It aims to identify what’s working against your website’s SEO, such as broken links, server errors, duplicate content and URLs that are blocked by robots.
You can also analyze page titles and meta descriptions to see if any of your content is missing necessary elements. It also integrates with Google Analytics for additional data, as well as generate error reports and sitemaps for easy reference.
#3. Keywordtool.io: If you want to obtain a ton of keyword ideas, then this tool is for you.  Keywordtool.io is especially useful for long-tail keywords that won’t show up in the Google Keyword Planner, because of the low search volume. Just enter a keyword and this tool provides a huge handful of long-tail keyword opportunities, organized alphabetically.
#4. SERPs Rank Checker: With this tool, you can see where your site ranks for certain terms. Input your keyword and your website and see where you land, or leave the website field blank to view the top-to-bottom list of results for a keyword.
#5. Google Analytics: If you are serious about SEO, you need to use Google Analytics. Go to “Acquisition”, under that click on ”Search Console” and then “Landing Pages”. It will bring up the pages on your site that get the most impressions and clicks from Google
#6. Moz pro: Moz toolbar shows you SEO insights from within Google search results pages and at any particular website. It is a suite of user-friendly inbound marketing tools that it lets you track SEO, social efforts, links, brand awareness and content marketing using a single platform. Moz’s Keyword Explorer is one of the best keyword research tools on the market.

#5. Find your keyword positions on Google

What’s the point in writing new blog posts day in and day out without tracking your current rankings for certain keywords?
If you want to get more search traffic, start tracking your keywords. Without targeting any keywords and without knowing your keyword position in Google, even if you write and publish amazing content, it is of no use and you’re wasting a lot of time and money!
There are plenty of keyword research tools that will help you to find which keywords to use. So, if you are looking for a tool that can check the position of keywords in search engines, then SEMrush is for you.
Yes, SEMrush offers a complete solution for keyword checking. Just enter your website URL and it will show you which keywords you are currently ranking for. You can further click on any resulting keyword to check keyword competition and other details.
Or if you’re looking for free tools, you can use SERPs free keyword rank checker for tracking all your keyword rankings on Google.

Over to you

SEO is not a rocket science. If done right, it can bring a ton of website visitors and sales to your sites. The ONLY key to SEO success is to find and implement few strategies that work like a charm.
So what are your thoughts about this post? Did you find the SEO tactics mentioned here useful? Share your views in the comments below.

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